I am too a mortal human
You know one of the basic human defense system is denial (Ask a drunkard –he will deny that he can not live without drinking) and projection (Remember block buster: Diwar: jao pehle us admi se sign leke aao jisne mera hatho Mei yeh likh di thi).
So it is a basic human nature to create angel and demons out of ourselves in order to project our faults to other. We come out with great man’s quotation, statistics, case studies etc etc.
IT seems I have a big learning disability. Whenever whatever I write (or type) there are thousands of spelling mistakes. Check any of my blog there are heap of spelling mistakes many time MS word software is at lose what to do with my spellings?
Assamese is the language in which I think, I learned to talk, and Assamese letters are the first letters with whom I had fallen in love. But my Assamese spell sense is as worse as English.
How to defend myself?
Assamese is the language in which I think, I learned to talk, and Assamese letters are the first letters with whom I had fallen in love. But my Assamese spell sense is as worse as English.
How to defend myself?
I came out with two greatest original thinker's philosophies: Feynman and Asimov .
Dr. Feynman observes that "things have gotten out of whack in the English language," which leads him to ask, "[w]hay can't we change the spelling?" In what may be taken as an expression of exasperation with his colleagues in the liberal arts, he declares: "If the professors of English will complain to me that the students who come to the universities, after all those years of study, still cannot spell `friend,' I say to them that something's the matter with the way you spell `friend.'"
Wah sir kya bad hain.
Wah sir kya bad hain.
Asimov jumps right in and makes a stab at some suggested respellings. Consider "through," "coo," "do," "true," "knew" and "queue," he asks. Why not just spell them "throo," "koo," "doo," "troo," nyoo" and "kyoo"? These respellings would in fact fit within some familiar reform proposals, though perhaps few reform advocates would go along with his assertion that the obvious respelling of "night" should be "nite."
Thank u both of u for coming in my favour.
Thank u both of u for coming in my favour.
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