Some sensational news that has been long forgotten, Today is 21st September 16 aniinversiery of one of such fluke news that gripped the nation for one day, do you remember?
I too forgot the whole stuff ,but 20 th September is the birth date of my alma mater –Guwahati Medical College ,So remembering the date yesterday everything came to my mind like a flash back-
It was 1994, For the first time we, the young Turks were celebrating the foundation day ,We were dancing all over the places, and next day (classes were cancelled),when I got up it was evening ,I just walked through Ganesh guri ,where I saw hundreds of people queuing up in the Ganseh Temple
‘What’s up pal?’
I asked a friend
‘Doesn’t U know Lord Ganesha is drinking milk and all of then is queuing up for it only?’
I was asleep just for few hours and everything was happening for that time.
Some one observed the phenomenon in morning, and soon the word propelled like bone fire and the whole nation was witnessing the event to the utter amusement.
Soon the news spread that the whole Shiva family is drinking milk,
Milk was seen flowing through the Drains like anything.
In the evening we saw in news channel that the phenomenon was observed even outside India ,
Boy Boy !
By late night one English news channel showed –It is nothing but a normal phenomenon happens everywhere, one Shoe-cleaner demonstrated that even his shoe polishing iron is also capable of drinking milk.
Do you remember?
Very nicely put. I do remember my first step into this lifelong learning journey of a doctor. It is a day I recall with pride. check me out at....http://www.abbevilleareamc.com/