Sometimes the two poles of none existent truth and the ever troubling relativity meets each other. This correspondence that took place near bout eighty years go is one of the finest example of it.
Respected Mr. Gandhi !I use the presence of your friend in our home to send you these lines. You have shown through your works, that it is possible to succeed without violence even with those who have not discarded the method of violence. We may hope that your example will spread beyond the borders of your country, and will help to establish an international authority, respected by all, that will take decisions and replace war conflicts.With sincere admiration,
A. Einstein.
I hope that I will be able to meet you face to face some day.
Gandhi's reply to Einstein - Source: Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, vol. 54
LONDON, October 18, 1931
DEAR FRIEND,I was delighted to have your beautiful letter sent through Sundaram. It is a great consolation to me that the work I am doing finds favour in your sight. I do indeed wish that we could meet face to face and that too in India at my Ashram.
Yours sincerely
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