Monday, 28 December 2015

Parallel Stories and Singhadwar

Real stories don’t have a beginning or an end. That’s because in real life, we are part of many events that are occurring simultaneously. In some, we are playing the part of a hero, in other stories, we are villains. In still others, the same people are insignificant bystanders. These lacunae in the linear narrative might be the reason for the genesis of the so-called parallel narrative, where this multidimensional aspect of individuals is taken care of. If I have to answer the question what is parelel stories to a laymen I would like to give example of Bollywood film ‘Life in a Metro’ or ‘Dus Kahaniyan’ where individual stories has intermingled in the narration just like life. Though not cent percent same this is the easiest and closest answer to the question asked..  Parallel narrative is an established style in Western literature as well as in cinema, but rare in Assamese language.
A Story named Sathor appeared in Prantik, the popular Assamese fortnightly in the year 2001 and over the years that piece had crafted it into a series of independent parallel stories. They have appeared in almost all the eminent Assamese magazines (mainly Satsori) as independent stories till the year 2012. If we closely observe the narrative structure of the stories together, we come to know that they are actually parallel stories. I have worked over the past fifteen years to join the divergent strands into a plot for what seems to be unique of its kind in Assamese literature - A chronicle of parallel stories, knitted together into a novel.  The Book has been named as Singhadwar (সিংহদ্বাৰ) or Heavens Gate and published by Bhabani Books.
The book deals with the depths of human psychology and tries to answer existential questions that have troubled the human race since eternity. It deftly entices the discerning reader with a highly experimental narrative, such as a journey through fictionalized art history, extensive graphics and some parts in graphic narrative

Saturday, 26 December 2015

Essence of Singhadwar

After my maiden venture in creative fiction in book form, Jatra - যাত্রা   in 2009
Here comes another project
A collection of parallel stories knitted into a novel
Though it’s just another book, one among hundreds and thousands out there,
So many of them far better than this,
Singhadwar has been labor of my love
It has been quite a journey, considering the fact that
It took me thirteen years to write the book (2000-12)
One year to design it (2012-13)
And another year for publisher’s approval (2013-14)
Then it’s been took two years and yet to be printed  December 15
The process of creating, crafting, feeling the character,
Bearing the curse of the characters for the harm my word had caused,
The dealing with the agony, anguish, reproach and pain,
Walking the thin red line between fact and fiction
Have all taken their toll on me….
In the end, the process cleansed part of my Soul
I cannot complain anymore, neither can I demand Nirvana as a sanctuary
But, I daresay I was able to reach somewhere near the elusive door…….
The journey continues
The Journey of me and the human race
Searching exactitude, or may be the meaning of life
But now I think I know the road the caravan took
To the door that leads to salvation

Publisher :Bhabani Books,Panbazar
ISBN: 9789381139547

Friday, 11 December 2015

Singhadwar Synopsis

It was raining cats and dogs
A photographer wanted to capture the raindrop before it kissed mother earth

A painter wanted to portray a face beyond the rain drop

A writer wanted to create a love story,
But words (and their meanings) baffled him

At some point, their lives intertwined

Fact and fiction,
Reality and hallucinations,
Creator and creation,
Mingled together.

The psychiatrist with the camera lapsed into a dark psychological whirlwind
The gyenacologist with the paint brush was haunted by a nightmare
Birina found that something was missing…..

Raghaban, Asengla,Miya Rustam and Piyush had similar experiences

Piyush searched for it in intoxication
What followed was pain…..

Life went on
Through the dark alleys of
Self pity, agony, suffering, incompleteness, reproach
Or through complex maze created in the history of contemporary art
Pain out of genesis
Where was the end to all these entities?
They continued the search for exactitude
and found SANCTA The six new truth of  human  evolution

The search for elusive 'Heaven’s gate'