Thursday, 18 July 2013

Google nose

“A huge clock was hanging against a foggy backdrop, and a small kid was getting restless at its rapid speed. The boy grew anxious with each passing second and eventually jumped onto the minute’s hand of the clock. Its lever and pulleys were so strong that the boy started to move along with it. The poor child was sweating in fright and angst but he could not succeed, eventually the clock rang with a very shrill sound, and the boy got up from his dream”.
It was a classic scene from a 1992 Classic movie ‘Abhayam’ .Although more than twenty years have passed; movie buffs still remember it with nostalgia.
Now, we live in an era of ‘too many’. There is excess of information everywhere but we can’t remember anything from anywhere, be it music, book, events, cinema, serial or event called life. We forget a movie; we forget the song we were singing along, we forget the name of next door neighbor or colleagues soon after they leave the place and so on and on. Where is the problem? Is there a dearth of real talent today? Or it’s a mass amnesia that is affecting all of us.
Few days ago while interacting with a eight year old kid I got to know that this guy has never observed that there are thorns in the roses (roses that he see sometime in the park and mostly in fathers laptop). And when his mother tried to explain what rose are all about the boy exclaimed ‘So, roses smell like our bathing soap? Boy, Boy! That’s not the end, his father said that last fortnight the boy had argument with his father when he said that cow gives us milk, to the boy it is the supermarket salesmen that gives us milk!
We laughed and lectured about where these new generations are heading for? (Denial and Projection the very basic human nature) and tended to forgot everything soon after.
After that when I observed my own relationship with nature, I have to admit that even I have not been close enough with the rose that blossoms on my balcony tub every season. I have been busy with my office work, tv shows, Smartphone, social networking, I pad, traffic jam, family and social responsibility en all in such a way that I never got any time to be intimate with the basic feeling of a human being.
Not only me, most of today’s so called modern men are having the same problem. We are so busy and preoccupied every time, As a result we read but forgot what it is about, we see movie but don’t remember anything, and we listen to music but could not understand the lyrics and melody. So in short we have transformed into a virtual generation without feelings.
In this year’s April fool day Google launched an application just to laugh at our helplessness of our virtual situation: Google nose: an application that promises online smell!
We may laugh out and ignore these examples of ‘Supermarket salesmen giving us milk’ or April fool Joke of ‘Google nose’ but we tend to forget this are slap on our so called modern grandeur.
Most of us are celebrating this sans feeling nectarous state as a mark of modern time and those who are complaining like me are as helpless like the child protagonist of movie I was referring to in the very beginning.
Traumatized with the pressure of every contemporary child’s life-home work, school stress, parental expectation the boy doesn’t want the night to finish .Hence nightmare haunts the poor chap each and every night.
The boy as worried as all of us with this speed of modern life trying to halt this clock of mechanical motion.