artist :Uddip Talukdar |
Sea of people on his arrival(from net) | | | | |
On 05 th November when we got the news and everyone were shell shocked.
For All the three corore people who lives or has their roots on the eastern part of India, his existence is always taken for granted over last 75 years at least.
Long back when the new age Assamese brand was evolving only this man announced his arrival by singing in front of crowd at Axom Xahitya Xabha.
From those days till this date his name is synonymous with the Assamese identity.
For all the four or five generation we have taken him for granted .We know he is there as a evergreen figure in the moment of crisis ,in the moment of happiness ,in moments when we have to showcase ourselves and what not.
We can not imagine an entity called Bhupen Hazarika which can be wiped out just like that.
Still we can not imagine him to be an old man not being able to communicate to his people. As too us he is much younger than me, than my parents, grand parents.
Three years back I had my own bout of depression when I saw him as a slightly old man still trying to sing way he has been doing since last sixty years.
After that all of us knew that this day will come, but as it is unimaginable so we brushed this kind of nightmare away and prayed for his speedy recovery.
On the very first time when I got the news by night I thought with time I will be able to recover from the grief state of mind.
But it’s been three days and I am more grief stricken that before, as life sans Bhupen Hazarika will become a reality in the time to come.
As an individual I thought it is time for all of us to become more responsible in the time to come.
But on the very next moment, I become angry at my impudence,
How can anyone ever think of taking responsibility of such a big vacuum?
If you closely observe –last three days not a single mind in the valley is at peace, all of us are restless as no one can ever imagine we can exist sans the Jajabor .
Who echoes (Prtidwani) the existence of a valley /a region / a contemporary entity called Assam.