Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Marketing of indigenous products


Everyday when you open a news paper or TV channel we see launching ceremony of new book or a new vcd. But after a few days when you got interested and ask for those book in a book stand or a mushrooming vcd parlor they will simply refuse its existence. You beg, you pray …but definitely you will not get hold of that book.
Even if you go to the most established book distributor in pan bazaar (the capital –of book industry) no one can help you.
Why it is happening?
I found as there are thousands of books being released every year  so they can not accommodate every book (or not bothered) any way there are text book, various model answer book or book that have guarantied selling (Test paper ,TET exam ,সহজলভ্য বনদৰব etc. etc…) to distribute so why to take headache .
True very true. Why to take headache?
That’s why a group of young publishers are coming up with a model example of holding book fair in every corner of Assam and selling their books. That’s a very welcome gesture ,but that results in one 6 or seven day event in one town .what if some one want to read ,buy a book in other 360 days of the year.
I believe the market of VCD is even worse when it comes to direct selling.
Now take the example of any English book /vcd or product.
You are not getting the product in your local store googled it you can buy the book /DVD on line on various reliable web site dedicated to marketing .So they are making the world easier for the net savvy  -book movie lover .You can buy other product too but I am talking about my forte only.
By dedicating service many of these web site owners are earning a fortune also.
The population of Assam is around 3 crore, much bigger than many of the east European countries.
Than why are we not having such facility in Assam also?
May be because we are not bothered or may be because we don’t have those skill or honesty needed for those venture?
Or we are happy that may be one book out of three thousand that are published and two VCD out of 1000 produced are doing very good business.
What about those other 99 % being shadowed in the oblivion?
In Assamese scenario we discuss a lot about role of critique or environment but the business part we seldom utter. So I believe we need these important things so that the market improves:
  1. Proper marketing channel
  2. Individual outlet listening to consumers wish and trying to satisfy them rather than continuing with their habit of why to take headache attitude  
  3. Having honest E store for local product (As now the market is world wide)
  4. To have honest publisher /producer.   Also read Bhruka 

Friday, 19 August 2011

The role of a Sutradhar

camera and our lifetaken from net

Over the years the conventional understanding about a sutradhar was that it narrates the story but by itself it don’t take any active part, But to go against the defined rule is what excite more and so everyone rebels against the defined system .even if it is a –machine.
In modern day life the most well established story teller is –the camera ,wherever u go camera capture and tell the story ,remember Diwakar Benerjee’s LSD out there camera are playing the role of a sutradhar .
It was okay till then, but I strongly believe this modern world sutradhar is gathering some kind of paranormal power that affect psychology of the people it capturing

Few examples:

 A group were leading a peaceful protest rally, the camera arrived, and once the cameraman opens its shutter:-they started giving slogans and soon, they got out of control and started destroying everyone nearby

There were report of some scandal (it can be true ,it can be false and the incident is many days event )Once camera came to investigate ,people gathered ,Then they identifies the culprit (who might not be the one person who has done it ,but once camera rolls people started beating him up.

She is a normal girl next door with a boyfriend, the boyfriend buys a camera phone ---the rest is a movie story

SO is it our normal way of life  or the modern day sutradhar  induces us to act differently then we would have behaved without the camera shutter on , over which we don’t have any control.